Member Newsmaker: Kendall McDermott

Terry SwensonMember News, Newsmaker of the Month

Kendall began her residential construction career in 2015 with RoofTec, a turnkey residential roofing company. In 2018 she joined Allpoints Surveying where she enjoys her role as customer relations manager overseeing customer satisfaction and builder relations. What she loves most about her job is working closely with builder partners to grow relationships and ensure continued success.

“Many of my client relationships have grown into true friendships, sharing in weddings, birthdays, and many of the happy moments life has to offer. I cherish the evolution of these friendships.”

Kendall has held many positions within the association including the boards of the Associate Council, Custom Builders Council, and GHBA. She also sits on the Executive Committee for HomeAid Houston as chair of the Development Committee which oversees initiatives such as HALO, Project Playhouse and the Golf Tournament.


In 2017, Kendall was awarded Young Professional of the Year and in 2019 she was given a Presidential Citation for outstanding service from John Williams, 2019 GHBA president.

“Serving the GHBA and its mission continues to be a highlight of working in this industry. I would not be where I am today in my career if it weren’t for the opportunities to network and support my industry.”

During “Stay at Home” orders you can find Kendall on the Kingwood Golf Course with her husband Mac, honing her bread baking skills, watching Tiger King, or lying by the pool with a beverage in hand. “My pups, Maddie and Dexter, have LOVED all the time, extra snuggles, head scratches and kisses while Mom has been home. During conference calls they aren’t far and can at times be heard ‘greeting’ the Amazon Prime delivery person…for the third time in one day!”
